Starting Solids| Element Nutrition Kids

Starting Solids

All things related to starting solids with your baby. Baby-led weaning vs. traditional weaning, you can find both here.

Pediatric Dietitian Services: Jessica Gust, MS, RDN

Hey there, I’m Jessica Gust, Pediatric Dietitian/child nutritionist, and founder of Element Nutrition Kids. If you struggle with how your kids eat, you are not alone, feeding kids is hard work! This is why I believe every parent should have access to a pediatric dietitian/nutritionist, I’m here to help! I specialize in working alongside parents […]

Pediatric Dietitian Services: Jessica Gust, MS, RDN Read More »

Best Yogurt for Babies: 6 months to 1 year (& beyond)

Best yogurt for babies 6 months to 1 year

When you’re getting ready to start your baby on solids, there are so many things to think about. I remember my first time starting solids with my oldest like it was yesterday, even with all my background as a pediatric dietitian, I was still nervous.  Introducing the top baby food allergens is one of the

Best Yogurt for Babies: 6 months to 1 year (& beyond) Read More »

Dissolvable Solids For Baby-When to Serve Them

Baby eating dissolvable solids teething cracker

Inside this article: Easily transition your baby through the starting solids process from purees to table foods using dissolvable solids as a gateway. Here I’ll review what dissolvable solids are and how you can use them to help your baby get comfortable with more textures so they don’t get stuck on purees. Perfect for babies

Dissolvable Solids For Baby-When to Serve Them Read More »

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Jessica Gust, MS, RDN
P 805.550.1724 F 805.476.1435
[email protected]

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